Following installation, UltraSeps Version 3 is designed to run flawlessly with little chance of error. Although there’s a few vital instances where basic support may be needed.
The most common support issues for UltraSeps v3 are listed below:
>Macintosh Install Security Warning
>Register Marks Actions Not Working
>8800 Error
>Solid Filled & Inverted Channels – Separations That Look Wrong
>New Macintosh M1 Computer – 8800 Error Command QS Not Available
>Color Book Error – Sim Process #1 or Basic 5 Color Sim Process on Photoshop v24 or higher
A full support page which also includes information regarding the trial can be found here:
Issue: If installing on Macintosh, all MacOS from Catalina and higher, Security Warnings!
If the installer itself can’t be opened due to the excessive security settings, hold down the Control Key,
then click the installer once and choose Open. This will permit the installer to run.
If any security warnings are generated when installing and/or running UltraSeps v3 – DO THIS:
Go to System Preferences.
Open Security & Privacy.
Click the General Tab.
The blocked installer or plugin will be listed there near the bottom.
Click the Open Anyway button next to it.
This will add the installer and/or plugin to your trusted Apps list to run normally.
!!! Also make sure to use the Actions included with the latest Mac version!
The original v3 actions or the trial version actions will not work with Catalina or Big Sur.
Issue: I’m trying to run the Register Marks Actions in Photoshop CC 2020 (and likely future versions as well) and am getting a error stating the “Shape” is not available?
Cause: CC 2020 (and likely versions yet to come) sometimes does not load all the custom shapes.
How To Fix:
From the menu bar in Photoshop select Window > Shapes
This opens up the Shapes panel.
Scroll down and expand the folder named Legacy Shapes and More.
Now expand the folder named Legacy Default Shapes.
This will make that shapes folder active. It contains the custom register mark shape.
The error will no longer be generated and the register marks will function.
Issue: I’ve just installed Photoshop CC 2021, 2022, 2023 etc. and UltraSeps won’t run and I’m getting an 8800 error?
Cause 1: This is due to the UltraSeps Plugin not installed to the latest version of Photoshop. If your copy of UltraSeps Version 3 was purchased (prior to 7/25/19), the installer might not support Photoshop versions beyond CC 2019, although the software itself is 100% compatible with these future versions.
UltraSeps v3 downloads as of 7/25/19 updates itself when a newer version of Creative Cloud is installed and supports all current and future Creative Cloud versions.
Solution: If your Version 3 installer is dated prior to 7/25/19, contact us for a new download.
Cause 2: If using a new Macintosh computer with the M1 Processor and are experiencing this issue, UltraSeps v3.3 Macintosh M1 Silicon release is needed. Scroll down the page a bit for a solution.
Issue: Solid Filled – Inverted Channels – Separations That Look Completely Wrong!
This can happen after using one of the Custom Color Channel Actions of UltraSeps to generate a specific color channel(s) for a separation or using the spot color actions followed by running a new automated color separation such as Simulated #3, or whatever on another file.
After doing so, its now possible that one or all of the channels are filled as a solid or appear inverted. This “might” also happen after running Index Separations followed by running a new automated separation on another file.
This occurs due to an Invert function of Photoshop not responding properly in modern Photoshop versions. The Custom Color Channel Action and Spot Color Action, which makes use of Color Range instructs the end user to select Invert. If then one of our Actions makes use of Color Range for only a single purpose, this can impact the entire separation resulting in solid or inverted channels.
Although our scripts do contain a command to reset Color Range to its default, some versions of Photoshop and all versions of Creative Cloud do not respond to it.
Simply restart Photoshop and the issue will be resolved.
Restarting Photoshop will reset the Invert function to its default value.
Another way to resolve this (without restarting Photoshop) is to make a new channel using Color Range and to make sure to uncheck Invert prior to clicking OK. Any type of channel can be made with any type of selection. The primary goal is to uncheck that Invert check box.
An illustration of the issue along with a screenshot of how to reset the Color Range Invert Box can be seen here.
Issue: I’ve just bought a new Macintosh computer with the M1 Silicon Processor and getting an 8800 error when trying to run UltraSeps stating the Command QS is not available?
Cause: This is due to Photoshop CC 2021 and versions going forward running in native mode with these new processors while the UltraSeps plugin and scripts in use do not. Currently, most all Mac software does not run in native mode with these new processors.
Purchases of UltraSeps v3 as of July 21, 2021 are Macintosh M1 Silicon ready! The native M1 Silicon release of UltraSeps is Version 3.3. If your Mac copy of UltraSeps is prior to v3.3 it won’t run on the new M1 Macs.
Solution: Contact us on how to get UltraSeps v3.3 for Macintosh M1 Silicon systems.
Issue: I just downloaded Photoshop CC v24 (or higher) and am getting a Color Book Error when running Simulated #1 or the Basic 5 Color Sim Process?
Cause: This is due to Photoshop CC v24 and likely versions going forward no longer supporting Pantone Color Books UNLESS you pay $15 monthly to Pantone to license using Pantone Colors in Photoshop!
Yes, its crazy but true. The greed is running wild!
Although UltraSeps doesn’t use Pantone Color Books, we did find a few calls within these 2 functions that make use of them.
Solution: Simply copy an updated Sim#1 JavaScript to your copy of UltraSeps.
Windows: Download a new copy of the Sim#1 JavaScript here
Unzip the downloaded file
Open your C: Drive and look for a folder named QSU
Copy the new Sim#1 JavaScript to the QSU Folder (Agree to overwrite the file)
The issue is now resolved
Macintosh: Download a new copy of the Mac Sim#1 JavaScript here
Unzip the downloaded file
Open the Applications Folder – Open the UltraSeps Folder – Open the QSU Folder
Copy the new Sim#1 JavaScript to the QSU Folder (Agree to overwrite the file)
The issue is now resolved
(The Macintosh fix is for the full purchased version of UltraSeps v3)